Summer Jungpana – Batch II.

We were so impressed by this year’s summer flushes from Darjeeling… We tasted a number of beautifully processed samples with balanced tastes. In the past couple of years we have got used to a great variety of Nepalese teas – and now it seems that we can expect something similar also in Darjeeling.

Tea Picker, Jungapana

Tea Picker, Jungapana

The local tea masters have been getting more space in tea processing and the results are sometimes amazing. Let’s hope this positive development goes on – the potential of Darjeeling is immense.
So why is it that we are offering a second Jungpana tea coming from the very same summer flush? Simply because we liked the taste of it. Not just liked, we were amazed. We fell in love with it. We don’t do this very often − the same flush from the same garden can be confusing − but this time we couldn’t resist and purchased both. That is why our offer of second flushes contains three teas by B. N. Mudgal, the legendary manager of the Jungpana garden, who is now in charge of the Goomtee tea garden.
Read more about our visit to both the gardens and our meeting with Mr Mudgal in our 2010 blog.

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